Jun 18, 2009

Through Your Eyes

Through your eyes, you see a deviant. Someone
capable and willing to deceive for her own benefit.
In His eyes I am perfectly made, working passed the flesh.

Through your ears you hear half truths,
never fully believing spoken words.
In His ear, He hears my true desires.
The innermost thoughts and truths yet to be vocalized.

Through your mind I am to be doubted
or questioned, with intentions all my own.
In His mind I am beautiful.
Beautifully broken.
And loved nonetheless.

His senses carry me farther than
any idea, image or word of yours.
And that is what matters most to me.

And with that I will continue to sing His praise.

Whether it falls upon deaf ears.
Whether it passes a blind eye.
Whether it enters a closed mind.

My praise is His.
And I am His.
Beautifully broken.

by: DeAna Colon